Roll Dice! Combine!

Get the AEGIS Dice and Card Game Print and Play for FREE by joining our mailing list. Playable for 2 players! This is an alpha build of an idea we are experimenting with. We'd love to know what you think!

Crafting Dueling CCG?

I wanted to make a head to head CCG-like game involving crafting and dice. I made a prototype about a year ago but I benched it because I couldn't think of a theme that made sense. Then one day it hit me, AEGIS Combining Robots would be perfect. I DM'd Breeze on Discord and ask him for all his art assets. He said "k".  Let's talk about the AEGIS Card Game! — Chris Solis

Build a Robot. Craft a Win Condition. 

This is a card game about crafting a robot effectively and cleverly. A well built robot is how you win the game! Be expressive and clever. Each combined robot gives you a different type of win condition.

Roll and Allocate Dice.

This game uses a set of RPG dice and it's resource system. Spend dice to play cards and abilities. You also need these dice to roll attacks against your opponent so manage them carefully! Each color (and type of) dice is tied to a class of robot. Manipulate your opponent's dice and power down your opponent's robots.

Combining System

More expensive cards are stronger and hard to keep in play but if you combine them into your Combined Robot, it will be very powerful!  Alternatively, you can build weaker quicker robots with weaker cards. The game Combined robot can be made various different ways! Based on how you build your robots, you may be adding bonus effects into your combined robot. In a way this is a competitive crafting game.